What Size Dumpster Do I Need?

Choosing the right size dumpster for your project can be challenging for even the most experienced pros. There are many variables that factor into what would be the most cost-effective, practical choice. Below we will go over some of those factors, which should help you narrow down which size dumpster is right for you. Of course you can always have one of our knowledgeable customer service representatives help if you need some additional input at (860) 609-4027.

Will the Dumpster Have Enough Room For My Stuff?

The first thing you’re going to want to know is if all of the material you have will fit inside the dumpster. It’s generally suggested to order a dumpster that is going to give more then enough room for everything you’re going to put in it. If you order too small and it has to be dumped and returned to fill again, your cost is going to double. You also can’t have anything coming up over the top of the dumpster, so if you have any large objects like furniture or appliances, make sure to check the dimensions of the dumpster you are looking at to make sure they will fit. A good way to visualize approximately what size you’ll need is to imagine how many standard pickup truck loads it would take to haul away all of your materials if it was full up to the cab of the truck. Each truck load would be approximately 4 cubic yards of material. So, for example, if you have about 3 truck loads of material, you have about 12 cubic yards. Also keep in mind that dumpsters 10 yards and up have a swing door that opens in the back allowing you to walk in, while 8 yard dumpsters and smaller are only open on the top, requiring you to throw all of your material over the side.

How much weight do they hold?

The second thing you’re going to want to factor in when getting a dumpster is how much weight it can hold. Unless you’re putting all concrete or very dense material in the dumpster, you shouldn’t have an issue making it too heavy to be picked up (we do offer dumpsters specifically for dense material – call for details). There is, however, an included amount of weight that can be loaded in to the dumpster that you get with the rental. Any additional weight is generally charged at a per ton fee. It isn’t a huge deal if you go over the included weight, but make sure to note how heavy you think your material is. Included weights range from 1/2 ton to 4 tons, but can vary depending on town and circumstance. Make sure to get details on this when price shopping or calculating the final cost for renting dumpsters.

Will the Dumpster Fit On My Property?

Once you’ve figured out what size dumpster will hold all of your material, you’re going to need to make sure you have room on your property for it to be dropped off. We will provide wood to put below the dumpster so we won’t ruin your driveway or yard. We will need a waiver if placing the dumpster in your yard or a permit if placing on the side of the road by your property (call for details), but if it’s being placed in your driveway, no waiver is required. If you have a large driveway or yard to place it in, then all you’ll need to do is make sure there aren’t any low wires or branches that the truck might hit when lowering the dumpster. 

What Type Of Truck Will Deliver My Dumpster?

There are three different types of trucks that deliver the dumpsters to you, which include roll-off, hook and toter trucks. Roll-off trucks are used for the larger dumpsters including 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30 yard containers. They require approximately 12 and a half feet when driving and 16 feet of clearance above them when unloading the dumpster without hitting anything. Hook trucks require less room and deliver a 10, 12 or 15 yard container with only about 12 feet when driving and 15 feet of clearance when loading and unloading the dumpster. Toter trucks deliver the smaller dumpsters including 4, 6 and 8 yard containers. They only require about 12 feet of clearance for the truck to get under. If you are unsure if you will have enough room, you can give us a call and we can look at an aerial view of your property online to see if you will have enough room for placement.

Are There Any Additional Costs?

The final thing you’re going to need to know before renting your dumpster is if there are going to be any additional costs on top of the rental fee. As we explained before, the weight is a possible additional cost if you go over the included tonnage for the dumpster rental. Another possible fee is a rental fee. It’s common to receive a certain period of time of free rental that varies depending on whether it’s the busy season or not. This usually varies between 7 to 14 days with a $5-$15 fee for each additional day, with some exceptions during the slower seasons. When finding out the rental period, be sure to ask if the dumpster is automatically picked up at the end of the rental period or if you have to call to get it picked up. At Connecticut Dumpster Rentals, we do not automatically pick up the dumpster after the rental period, as possibly taking it away before your project is complete could create a major inconvenience. Instead, we ask for a 24 hour notice of when you want the dumpster picked up so you can complete your project at your own pace. Make sure there are no fuel charges or environmental fees added on to the total cost as well, though this is more common for permanent commercial rentals. Other common fees include mattresses, box springs, items that contain or have contained Freon (refrigerators, AC units, etc) and tires, among others. These cost more since the transfer stations actually charge the dumpster companies a fee to dispose of them. It is very important to ask what you will be changed extra for when price shopping, as these costs can vary greatly by company. At Connecticut Dumpster Rentals, we are very up front with our items that bring an additional cost. Give us a call for details about these items in your area. These include:

  • Mattresses & Box Springs – Call for details
  • Tires – Call for details
  • Items containing / that have contained Freon – $25 per item

Also be sure to check what cannot be included in the dumpster. These are usually pretty standard, but if you’re not sure of something, make sure to ask beforehand. Items we don’t allow in the dumpsters are:

  • Liquid Paint (you can include paint cans if they are emptied and dried out)
  • Asbestos
  • Poisons
  • Liquids
  • Toxins
  • Flammable Items
  • Propane Tanks
  • Car Batteries
  • Gasoline

This information should help you get started on deciding what size dumpster you need for your project. Always make sure to ask questions if you are unsure of anything so there are no surprises after you have the dumpster picked up. And remember, you can always have one of our knowledgeable customer service representatives help if you need any help at (860) 609-4027.

30 Yard Dumpster

30 Yard (8 Feet Wide – 6 Feet High – 22 Feet Long)

About 6-7 pickup trucks worth of material. Perfect for larger house clean-out, additions, house roofing or attic clean-out.

 20 Yard Dumpster

20 Yard (8 Feet Wide – 4 Feet High – 22 Feet Long)

About 4-5 pickup trucks worth of material. Perfect for a house clean-out, additions, house roofing or attic clean-out.

 15 Yard Dumpster

15 Yard (8 Feet Wide – 4.5 Feet High – 14 Feet Long)

About 3-4 pickup trucks worth of material. Perfect for a 2 car garage clean-out, room remodel, deck renovation.

8 Yard Dumpster

8 Yard ( 6 Feet Wide – 6 Feet High – 6 Feet Long)

About 2 to 2.5 pickup truck worth of material.

6 Yard Dumpster

6 Yard (6 Feet Wide – 5 Feet High – 5 Feet Long)

About 1.5 to 2 pickup truck worth of material. Small household clean-out, shed roofing, installing new windows, basement clean up.

4 Yard Dumpster

4 Yard (6 Feet Wide – 4.5 Feet High – 4 Feet Long)

About 1 pickup truck worth of material.

 Roll Off Dumpster Truck

Roll-Off Truck

 Toter Truck

Toter Truck